Believe it or not, tis' the season for MORE soccer girl problems. We know! You didn't think it was possible for us to have any more problems than we already do... But honestly, playing in the winter weather comes with major struggles that you wouldn't realize until your smack damn in the middle of playing in it......here are the
Top 10 Reasons Soccer Girls Hate Winter
1. Hard Nips HAHA (Can't help but laugh) but c'mon girls. We all know we have this problem. As soon as we take off those warm up jackets... it's game over. No sports bra or under armor can hide those bad boys.
2. Everlasting Ball Marks As if taking a hit in front of someone's shot isn't hard enough, try getting smacked with a ball with -20 degree wind chills. It is extremely painful and leaves a temporary ball henna/bruise on your body for a couple of days. At least you can show off your battle wounds in a fashionable way..
3. Headers are Hell Just picture a bowling ball targeted right at your face. When the ball comes full speed at your head in the freezing cold, there is nothing but fear in your eyes. And the worst part is that you are completely unsure if you have a concussion or not until your head thaws out later that night.
4. Bare Legs Having bare legs in 30 degree weather during a game is pretty awful. You have the choice of wearing leggings but then you end up looking like an English Boy with compression pants on. You can't win.
5. Frozen Toes We can't even begin to explain the pain that comes from losing feeling in your toes. It feels like you are lugging around two large bricks on your feet...and this certainly won't make my already crappy technical skills look better.
6. Windburn makes Classmates Frightened We come into class on Monday after a weekend full of games and everyone asks if we went to Florida. HAHA No, this isn't a third degree burn on my face..it is windburn from the Nor'easter we played through this weekend. But thank you!
7. Staying Hydrated Hurts Coach expects us to drink lots of water during this season but it is hard to hydrate when it feels like shards of glass going down our throats. I'll take the warm or room temperature water please.
8. Zero Motivation Don't lie, being inside surrounded by cozy beds and couches are a recipe for failure. It's like a bowl of jelly beans sitting at your desk, how are you going to NOT eat those jelly beans? How are we NOT going to choose the couch over...well...everything else? I guess what we are trying to say is, it is very HARD to get motivated in the winter time #LazyButTalented
9. "Am I Getting Paid For This" Labor We all dread that one text from coach that reads "Bring shovels to the field". All of a sudden EVERYONE on your team has class conflicts & you and your teammate have to shovel all the snow off the field so you can get the goals out. It's so cold that you can't even touch the goal post otherwise your skin won't come off.
10. Wiping Out Falling on the ground after slipping or a tackle is always hard. But when you do it after the ground has been frozen overnight, you end up hurting yourself 2x as bad. You have to be ginger while running, it's like ice skating except you're wearing cleats and you're not properly trained.
There you have it! As if we didn't already have enough problems, why not add 10 more winter-induced struggles to the list. PUT IT ON MY TAB.
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