Hi Ladyballers! We're here to chat about goal-setting today. For those who are unfamiliar with how to set the best goals for yourself, we're here for you.
As athletes, we want to set SMART goals. That's right.. S.M.A.R.T. goals.
S- Specific
Get specific! When you're thinking of your goals you want to be extremely dialed in on exactly what you want to accomplish.
M- Measurable
Again, you need to get specific here! Quantifiable goals are extremely crucial here because hey, how the heck will you know you achieved it if your goal is vaguely described?
A- Attainable
Alright, this tip is MAJOY KEY. We need to be realistic when setting our goals for on and off the pitch. We need to find a healthy balance between too unrealistic and just challenging enough that it will push you to accomplish it!
R- Relevant
Relevant goals are major key. Does your goal support your mission or beliefs? Does it align with what you are "all about"? If you are choosing a goal that you are passionate about and firmly believe in, working towards the goal will be that much more enjoyable!
T- Time-Sensitive
Let's talk about time, shall we? Having an extremely specific time or date will help increase the chances of you getting it done. Think of it as a milestone that you must hit!