The Ridgewood Avenue Journal
99 Problems and #SoccerGrlProbs Ain’t One
In 1999, women’s soccer took the world by storm. The likes of Mia Hamm, Julie Foudy and Brandi Chastain brought popularity to the sport as the US women’s soccer team sold out match after match, including a sold out opening game at Giant’s Stadium. Ever since, girls soccer has been on the rise. Today, over 47% of girls are on sports teams by the age of 6. College age players, such as Alanna Locast, Shannon Fay and Carly Beyar grew up right along with the growth of women’s soccer. Playing soccer at Fairfield University in Fairfield, Connecticut, these Division I athletes have been able to tap into the ever-building girls soccer community as well.
Newster Alerter
New York Athletes Use Twitter to Gain Cult Hero Status
If you’re one of the over 20.6 million Americans who has a Twitter account, chances are you’ve stumbled across the official SoccerGirlProblems Twitter handle, @SoccerGrlProbs, at least once while using the popular social media networking site.
The Business of Women's Soccer
Soccer Girl Problems
Anyone wanting to learn more about the life of a female soccer player, this post is for you. The Twitter @SoccerGirlProblems has exploded over the last year by connecting with thousands of female soccer players around the world who can relate to their soccer-specific tweets
Big Soccer
NWSL should partner with "Soccer Girl Problems"
No other female soccer video has more hits on the web (or YouTube) than Soccer Girl Problems. Almost 3,000,000 views on YouTube for their main video, and they sell tons of T-Shirts to soccer girls across the country.
Independet Software
Carly Beyar, Co-Founder of SoccerGrlProbs
This Roadshow event was the very first event for SoccerGrlProbs and we were honored to have them!
Take a look at our coverage in the press with media like Copa 90, RedBull, Fox Sports, Just Women's Sports, Kicks To The Pitch & More!

Take a listen to interviews and podcasts we've had the joy of being on with game-changers like Victoria Garrick, Grant Wahl, The Soccer Cooligans & More!