Guest Writers
Blogs to update you on the latest soccer news, make you laugh and teach you something!
How-to Know If You Have Anxiety for Female-Athletes by Ianni Training
A Day of Fueling for Soccer Girls | Fitness Nutrition for Female Athletes
Tell Me I Can't And I Will; The Story Overcoming Four ACL Tears
Top 5 ACL Injury Prevention Exercises
Pro Tips to Become a More Confident Player

Over and Over again by Kelly Conheeney

How did you get to be a professional athlete? It's a question I am asked often. By parents, coaches, fans, etc. It's a common question for any professional athlete... "Tell me how you got here....”
My mind shoots to my 10-year-old self kicking a ball against a wall over and over and over again. I was the little girl who slept with a soccer ball next to her pillow at night, under her Mia Hamm poster and US Women's National Team Calendar hanging on the wall, praying to whatever god was out there, to give me the ability to one day play like these women. It probably went something like, “Hey God, it’s me Kelly. PLEASE let me be Mia Hamm one day.” Just praying to someone I was told would make all my dreams come true. Soccer was life. It's still life. and sometimes I wonder how I got through it all to get to where I am today. Everyone has a "how they got there" story.